Monday, May 18, 2009

We eat because.....'s noon and you "always" eat at noon. Or it's "dinner time" (and what actual time might that be, anyway? 5 PM? 6 PM? 7, 8, 9 PM??) and you haven't gotten hungry yet but you "should" before it gets any later.

Intuitive Eating is about experimenting. What would happen if--when we're not really hungry, or we're not sure we're hungry--we just didn't eat? No matter that the clock indicates it may be mealtime? What would happen if we let our stomachs (and other unmistakable physical sensations) indicate for us when it's time to eat? Something to consider.'s there in front of you. Like at a party. (Suggestion: Just let it be there in front of you, without attachment. It's kinda....Zen: "There is food, on the table." It just is. Be okay noticing it, without judgment or attachment.)

....someone offers you something; this includes physically bringing it to you, which is generally a gesture of kindness. You can thank them for their thoughtfulness, but you don't have to eat it if you're not hungry or it's not appealing to you. They will like you/love you anyway if you want to hold off until later. And if they don' might remember that it's their issue, not yours. This can be a hard one. Pressure to eat--subtle and overt--comes in numerous ways and in numerous circumstances, and in many cultures, is synonymous with participation. Company functions are a good example. I work for a company that likes to acknowledge birthdays, and sometimes it seems that we're having treats every single week. Sometimes, the treats aren't interesting, and if they're politely declined, much chatter ensues, much speculation, as to why it's being turned down. There may be gasps. There may be shocked verbal protests. There may even be alarm, by almost everyone, and then ensuing commentary about how that one declining individual must be very strong and have a lot of willpower to turn down such a delicious offering and, my goodness, I should have such willpower but alas, just look at me. I'm weak. I'm indulging. I have no self-control, etc.....

When it comes to matters of food and eating, gently remind yourself that you have choices--always--AND, you do not have to please anyone else or their perception of how you should act or what you should be doing. The only person you need to please is yourself. And the only voice you need to pay attention to is that of your body's always-wise hunger cues.
Let everything else dissipate into extraneous, irrelevant chatter. It doesn't need to concern you. can't stand to waste food, and there's a lot left on your plate and you paid for it, or you were served a giant portion and don't want to offend the host. Ask the host if you can take it home. Ask the waitress for a to-go container. Solutions!'re not done enjoying the very flavor of it in on your tastebuds and you don't really want to stop the enjoyment, even though you're absolutely, positively full. Sure, it tastes good now--but it will taste good later, too. So ask for a take-out container and continue the enjoyment some other time.'s on sale or was a good deal. Good deals don't mean great food. Ask yourself: "Is this food a "hummer" for me? Do I really, really like the taste, texture, smell, nutritional value, how it makes my body feel when I eat it? Does it unequivocally rock my world?" Or was it 10 for a dollar and too good a deal to pass up? (Hint: Go for the "hummer" quality. You're worth it and your satisfaction/enjoyment quotient will go through the roof.)

...someone else is paying (or it's a "freebie," such as a supermarket sample) so why not? In these circumstances, a taste is always fine. Go ahead! You get to decide what works for you. But if your thinking goes something like, "Well, I may not come around this way again and it's free so I should try some--though I'm really not hungry...." you're not obligated to taste. You can. Or you don't have to. Again, options! and while you're at it, don't "should" on yourself. There are no "should's" in Intuitive Eating. Suggestions, yes. Remember, this is not a diet. And diets have "should's."'re procrastinating. You know you need to get X, Y & Z done, but's more fun to poke around in the fridge...or the back of the cabinet.....or whomp up a brownie mix and lick the batter...(eating only delays the inevitable, if indeed X, Y & Z really DO need to get done. These tasks/chores/obligations, etc. will still be there, waiting patiently for completion, when you're finished procrastinating. Just sayin'.)

All of the above scenarious--and even more I haven't thought of or listed here--can challenge our Intuitive Eating (IE) practices. We always get to decide what works best for us when it comes to eating--there are no hard & fast "rules," because it's not a diet. But if you stay present and stay in touch with what feels right, what feels authentic, what feels appropriate for you and your hunger, when you let your body speak to you and you honor it in return with careful, mindful listening--then you will know when the right time is to eat, and you will also know when the right time is to stop eating.

It's pretty simple, really.

The bonus? You will enjoy your food much, much more.

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